TriPlus Insecticidal Seed Treatment

**Available in the 2024 cotton season**



Superior wireworm & thrip control
for an even plant stand

3 actives from 3 different chemical groups for resistance management
Efficient planting – no additional in-furrow applications or risk to operator safety


What is TriPlus?


TriPlus is a new insecticidal seed treatment developed and manufactured in Australia.

It contains 3 active ingredients – thiodicarb, fipronil & imidacloprid – to give superior wireworm and thrip control in cotton from germination to stand establishment PLUS offers resistance management.

TriPlus has been trialed extensively over 5 years in all major cotton growing valleys from Hillston to Emerald, proving to be a robust product in controlling wireworm and thrips in irrigated and dryland cotton.



Benefits of TriPlus


Superior Control

 Gives superior wireworm and thrip control in cotton from germination to stand establishment 


Combining 3 actives from 3 different chemical groups, TriPlus has a distinct advantage in being able to provide a resistance management tool to address neonicotinoid resistance which has been detected in thrips in cotton. 

Convenience of
a seed treatment 

TriPlus offers convenience and efficiency when planting, removing the need for a separate granular application or in-furrow spray. 

Extensive trial work shows it provides comparable wireworm control to phorate (Thimet®) but without the risk of handling a dangerous good. 



TriPlus Performance


TriPlus was trialled extensively over 5 years during development and registration. 19 replicated trials were conducted by independent companies, across all the major cotton growing valleys from Emerald to Hillston.




TriPlus Product Details